Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday 14/07/2014

Goal Setting and what you're doing wrong.

Recently read an article which sparked my interest in motivation and goal setting. Your psychology when it comes to achieving what you want is so important and that's no secret.
We see it everyday in so many lives. People set goals, to no avail. The biggest time of year is New Years. How many people join a gym only to be in the same position 12 months later?!?! (according to a study by a marketing firm for One of the bigger Globo Gyms over 6/10 people have quit showing up to the gym around the 6 week mark.)
This biggest cause of drop off? Was because people felt like they weren't achieving their goals and it upset them. A sense of failure. An emotional response to a physical goal.

So with statistics and your emotions against you how are you planning on achieving your weight loss goals? Or your Strength goals? Or your competitive goals?
Well you can't fight your feelings. Trying to fight a sense of being upset, puts your focus on being upset and messes you up. The same way 'Don't think of pink elephants' makes you think of... what?

Here's 3 tips to help you get more out of your training:
1. Get Positive. We stuff around the most and don't do what we set out to do, when we are in a bad mood. You don't feel like doing anything
There's a couple of ways to go about "feeling positive". Most of you will benefit if you take stock of your current achievements to date. I know every single person in this gym has seen some improvements whether you have just started and feel healthier or you just finished testing and got a 10kg pb. That is a victory worth celebrating and getting positive about.
Some of you just need to come in, doesn't matter who is here, and just start moving. The release of your feel good hormone will breed positive feelings and you will have a good session and leave with a smile on your face.
(also my jokes are pretty good).

2. Get Rewarded
Give your partner or family member $50/100 whatever and tell them that until you achieve your goal, they get to keep it. Even better, put a time frame on the event to make you work harder for your goal. And if you can't achieve it, they keep it forever.
You might also see something at the shops that is sparking your interest. Make that your reward for achieving your goals. I understand that this is the same way we train our pets but it works!!!

3. Get good peer pressure
The environment during testing week or to a further extent bro sessions and team training sessions is one where everyone is there for a purpose, to do the best they can that moment! As a result, improvements are mode, targets are hit and High-5's ensue!
This ties in a little with part of point 1. But get around people who are here for the same reason. You want to get your goal but have had a long day? Ride someone else's emotional high with them and be surprised at how much you enjoy your training session. Countless studies have been done on how who you hang out with will determine your outcome to a point. Successful people, hang out with...get this... successful people. If you don't feel like training today but know that it would be a good idea to come in. Don't ring up the person playing playstation at home eating pizza. Text a gym buddy and come in together!
The last point is that in this group there are people with success stories that can stoke and fuel your fire. Talk to Ben, Alex, Jenny, Sarah, Michelle and Jimmy or any number of people and ask them why they are so committed, and then get around them because they will encourage you to get where you want.

5 * 4 Clean Pulls @ 60%
5 * 2 High Hang Cleans
5 * 2 Split Jerk

10 Rnds of:
5 Burpees
10 Jumping Lunges

Core work for finishers.

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