Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday 12/09/2013

The importance of stability.
So you have all heard me mention no one wins a prize for winning the warmup, yes? That's because the warm up is designed to activate not just loosen and get the blood moving. There are a few key points to the warm up that I think about when I put you guys through what you do.
1. Get the body moving, general movements to get you warm and the joints lubed up (i.e star jumps and skipping are low impact and get you up and about)
2. Range of motion, making sure all the tightening up that has occurred from yesterdays workout is undone so that your movement is uncompromised (Inch worms or the lunging hip drive to open the hips and stretch hamstrings)
3. Stabilisation and activation, making sure all the little muscles that make sure you shoulder doesn't fall off or ankle goes limp are working and fired up (Lat activations, duck walks or front supports to get the shoulder and knees ready for more explosive movements.
4. Specificity, performing specific exercises associated with the day's workout. So that I can see how you are moving and also to build motor neuron patterns. Basically creating good habits in your body so that in an given situation your body will move exactly how it's supposed to.

This is the point of our warm ups and why we spend time on them and why being late for the warm ups incurs a burpee penalty. Your body needs to be ready for what you are putting it through.

There are two other points you can add in which include Mobility (specific to each individual and something that we as coaches can only see when you are doing the warm up as immobility is highlighted during movement), and core strengthening/activation and this is why we have been doing more single leg hollows and supermans which if I could force you to do them everyday I would but we don't have time in every day's program so I want you to take it upon yourself to put them in while watching tv or when you wake up in the morning.

I hope this has been helpful in some way in understanding my programming a little better and why we do what we do.

Today is a rest/catch up day. we will be partner stretching in every class and as usual you can perform workouts that you have missed if you so choose.

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