Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday 31/03/2014

So proud of everyone who has attempted the open workout this week and finished it. You guys make me proud to be your coach.
This week apart from wrapping up the open we are beginning our new cycle of training, This week we will be testing a lot of your max lifts and a handful of workouts on your progress charts. If you don't have a progress chart, ask for one.
You get to pick and choose each day what you hit rather than me telling you what I want done this week. It allows you to hit things you are comfortable hitting. After this week we will be putting in the hard yards to get better.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday 28/03/2014

Finally we have our winner for the 2014 8 week challenge.
With a staggering 9kg weight loss, 7% improvement in his fitness, and 11% improvement in core strength it is with great pleasure that I congratulate Steve Thornborough on an excellent job over the last 8 weeks!
Steve put in the hard yards, cutting soft drinks out and sticking to chicken and salad for most meals to get the results he wanted. He also volunteered for extra work some days to help with his goals. He still hasn't finished and has a fire in his eyes. Make sure if you see him round the gym to high-five him or punch him in the face for winning the prize of $500.

4 mins Airdyne steady state.
4 Mins Double Unders/Skipping
4 Min Rowing

2 Min AMRAP of Burpees then:
8 Mins to hit a a heavy 3 touch n go Power Clean.

5 Rounds of:
4 Strict Pullups
4 Laps of Bear Crawls

With time remaining, core work.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday 27/03/2014

Last workout of the open will be posted tomorrow. Get excited it is the last one we hit for a year.

5 sets of:
5 Front Squats @ 75% of max
10 Renegades
Rest 2:30 btw sets.

7 Min Amrap of:
30 Double Unders
Rest 2 mins
7 Min Amrap of:
10 Box Jumps
30 Double Unders

Busy Day today guys.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday 26/03/2014

The Level 2 guys gearing up for 14.4 on Monday night. If you missed it, it was a battle of epic proportions.
Proud of the hard work these guys have put in over the last few months.

In partners, 5 rounds each:
500m/400m Row/Airdyne.
15 KB Swings

4 Sets of:
6 Push Press
8 Deadlifts

Going heavy on the 4 sets guys.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday 25/03/2014

Fantastic work guys to everyone who did the open workout, I know there was many of you who did it even though you weren't registered. Many of you got your first Toes 2 Bar and that is an achievement you can keep a hold of. Especially Lita, who tried all workout and eventually got her 1 rep!

Skill: 5 * 5 Kipping Pullups, or ring dips for those whose hands got shredded.

Strength: 5 * 5 Strict Pullups

5 Sets of of 2 rounds:
1 Clean Grip Deadlift
1 Hang Squat Clean

9 Min AMRAP of:
30 Wall Ball
10 Power Snatch 40/25

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday 20/03/2014

Not many things worth having, come easily. Same goes with your fitness journey. It's hard work but at the end of it, it's totally worth it. What difficult decision are you going to make this morning to get you over the line today?

Double unders are included in the warm up today.

4 * 8 Bent over row, challenging weight
S/set with
10 Pushups
Rest 90 secs between efforts.

Overhead Squat - 5 * 5

For time:
30 Wall Balls
Then 10-1 of
Box Jumps
KB Swings
30 Wall Balls

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday 19/03/2014

Re-test day for the 8 week challenge. If you miss today I will give you an opportunity to do it tomorrow.

15 Min AMRAP of:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 24/16
15 Burpees onto a Plate
20 Squats onto a medball

1 Max Effort plank and/or Hanging knee raise.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday 18/03/2014

Skill work -  5 minutes of double unders.

Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes:
1 Clean

6 Rounds for time of:
10 Push Press 40/25
8 Power Snatch 40/25
6 Toes to Bar.

Short and sweet all day.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday 17/03/2014

Training as normal today guys. Very impressed with your scores over the weekend, you have demonstrated some real grit and strength in what you got through regardless of whether or not you are registered for the open.

Don't forget your dexa scans today and tomorrow. Also we will be deciding the winner for the t-shirt designs by the end of the week. We have 6 designs to choose from so it should be good.

If you still need to do 14.3 you need to organise a judge during class as we will be running the class and unable to judge.

5 * 5 Strict Pullups, bands if required.

For time:
15 Thrusters 20/15
15 Burpees
15 Thrusters 40/25
15 Burpees
15 Thrusters 60/40
15 Burpees

Epic workout.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Post 14.3

I am still so very proud of how everyone handled themselves on yesterday's workout.
Many of you pb'd your deadlift and many of you handled your form well.
Particularly impessed with those that decided their form would not hold so they smartly stopped the workout where they were.

If you are still sore today however I have some little tips to help you out with recovering.
If it is that sore still. Icd on and off for 20 minutes will help keep it down. If you're concerned about the pain because you have something to do todah, voltaren gel and panadol will help with most pain.

If it is stiff, roll out through the top of your glute and the side of your hip.
Loosen up your calves through stretching and if you can keep a straight back while doing it.4 stretch your hamstrings.
Lastly, stretch put through your shoulders with your arm across your chest. It will help give room for your back to move properly and heal well.
You can use a cricket ball, lacrosse ball, baseball or softball and they will get into those spots for you.


Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday 14/03/2014

Happy Friday guys. Open workout will be done tonight or tomorrow morning.
There will be bacon and egg rolls for afterwards, courtesy of Marissa le chef. $2 should cover it.
If you can not do it today or tomorrow, you need to organise yourself a judge during the other classes. The trainers are there to run the class.

15 Min Cap.
50 Double Unders/150 Skips
300m Run
250m Row/300m Airdyne

Every 2 mins, perform for 6 rounds:
1 Lap Overhead Lunges
12 KB Swings
12 Situps

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday 12/03/2014

Broad jump is designed to create power. Today take your time to get some distance each jump. Work to your capacity.

5 sets, 2 min rest between:
10 Heaves
10 Pushups
5 Broad Jumps

5 Rounds
10 L Arm clean and jerk
10 R Arm Clean and Jerk
10 Burpees
10 Squats holding dumbell.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday 11/03/2014

This is the kind of thing that makes the CrossFit Open exciting. People achieving something they thought beyond them. Proud of Chelsea and how hard she has been working lately.

EMOM for 10 mins:
4 Power Cleans
1 Jerk

4 Rounds for time of:
4 Muscle Ups/12 Ring Dips
300m Row/Airdyne

Post time and weight to comments.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday 07/03/2014

If you missed yesterday's second video, make sure you watch it. Well worth the laughs you will have all day.

Open 14.2 comes out at midday, You will have opportunity to do it tonight and tomorrow morning. Hit it once, hit it hard. Get excited guys.

Also 2 weeks left until we announce the winner of the 8 week challenge, and $500. Remember you had to have done both Dexa scans to be in the running so book in sheets are on the desk.

4 Rounds of:
300m Row/airdyne
20 Burpees onto a plate
20 Kb Swings

Skills work for 10 mins.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday 06/03/2014

Does your lifting look like this?
Or this:
There is a couple of spots left for Sunday's weightlifting workshop which will spend 3 hours going over the basic mechanics and advanced positions required to improve your snatch, clean and jerk. I don't advertise many things much but this is a must if you want to get your lifting sorted. I can't stress the importance of getting this right. You can chat to Dane, Pierre, Deb, Marissa or myself about how much these guys have opened our eyes and improved our form.

Gymnastics warm up today.

Snatch Grip Deadlift 5 * 6 reps, moderate weight.

5 * 5 Strict Pullups

21/15/9 of:
DB Thrusters 20/15
Toes to Bar

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday 05/03/2014

Open gym will be from 4:30-5pm not 4-5pm this arvo. Sorry for any inconvenience.

You only have 2 days left to pay for the lifting course. $88 from 9-12 on Sunday.
Also if you still haven't booked in for the dexa scan you need to get on that now.

3 * 10 Back Squats, work up to a heavy set.

3 7 min Amraps with a 2 min rest between:

10 Renegade rows
10 Burpees

10 KB Swings

10 Calories rowing
10 Burpees

This week's challenge is to re-test your plank. GO!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday 04/03/2014

Today if you arrive early look for ways to loosen your shoulders up before class begins. Find a corner and roll the shoulder out, stretch out any tightness before the class begins and you will get more out of what we are doing. Your movement is important.
If you can't get into position, you won't be able to perform the movement, so work on it. 
The stretching allows you to get stronger and as mentioned above, move more efficiently. Therefore allowing room for your fitness to grow.

Strict Pres 5 * 5

Power Clean 3 * 3

15/12/9 of:
Thrusters 45/30

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday 03/03/2014

That was a HUGE weekend. Deb and Pierre who you may have seen around the traps completed there Aphesis Barbell Workshop and are know just as qualified to teach you the art of Olympic Weightlifting as Marissa and I are

Thank you for everyone who was patient with me while we got you all organised for the hit out on Saturday. I will be organising a bbq on the saturday of the third workout so make plans to stick around, have some breakfast and cheer each other on.
Nothing but positive points from the weekend:
Everyone was encouraging regardless of if you were doing the open or not.
Everyone put the hearts into as much as they could.
Everyone made me proud.
Great work to those who got their first double unders, something we can continue to work on. Special mention goes to:
Michelle, who with no double unders on Friday morning, almost finished 2 rounds of the double unders. If you see our resident mumsy around congratulate her.
I hope you guys got more out of it than you thought you could.
Finally, as it currently stands our gym is sitting 8th on workout 1. It may change before midday tuesday but I am proud of everyone.
For those unsure of the magnitude of this, if we finish inside the top 30 by the end of the 5 weeks, we get a team down to regionals in wollongong in may.

Strength -  5 sets of:
10 Heaves
10 Pushups

12 min AMRAP of:
18 Wall Ball
12 Slam Ball
6 Burpees over medball

See you in the gym.