Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday 07/04/2014

Alright Monday is upon as and so is our new training cycle. Contrary to popular belief, I don't just program random exercises and hope for the best. Our programming has a purpose. We will be spending the next 12 weeks specifically (we won't be missing out on anything though) on getting you stronger. Many of you participated in the CrossFit Open and I am hoping you have some goals you would like to work towards now that is over. We will be doing some goal setting from tomorrow so start thinking about something specific you want to achieve.
The next 2 weeks every class will involve 15 to 20 minutes of proper and appropriate stretching. The reason for this is due to many mobility and movement issues that I witnessed during our testing week and we are going to help you correct it. It may not fix it completely but that is up to you to continue to be consistent.
The stretches for the day will be on the website so if you are not at the gym that day, you can follow from home.

Warm up: 3 rnds
1/2 Lap Scoops
1/2 Lap Inch Worms
1 Lap Lunges
30 seconds rest

20 Minutes stretching: Group A.
Calves - 45 seconds
Partner straddle stretch.
Couch Stretch (lunge against the wall) 45 secs on hips, then push self upright for 45 secs.
Glute roll out 90 secs each side.
Glute stretch 60 seconds.

5 * 6 Back Squat @ 70%
3-6 Strict Pullups
Rest 2-2:30 btw sets

5 Rounds for time of:
200m Airdyne/Rower
40 Double Unders

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